Saturday, June 18, 2011

Weekend, June 18, 2011

Make Your Voices Heard on Marriage Equality
Continuing Coverage: TWEET SEN. GREG BALL!

Obama & Boehner Take in a Game at Andrews Air Force Base
Apparantly Joe Biden is the best ranked golfer of the bunch at 29th best in Washington
From left to right on the green: Gov. Kasich, Speaker Boehner, VP Biden, President Obama

Karzai: US Negotiating With Taliban
Afghan President Hamid Karzai


Adages For The Times
I cannot think of a public policy ... the only consistent principle of Mitt Romney is he thinks he should run the world." - Barney Frank

“I’m tired of Republican, Democrat politics; I’m tired of blowhard radio people, blowhard television people, blowhard newspapers,” MacDonald said Tuesday while venting about the political scrutiny surrounding the vote. “They can take the job and shove it. I come from a blue-collar background, I’m trying to do the right thing, and that’s where I’m going with this.” - Rep. Macdonald (NY-R)

"I just want one marriage -- t's not like I'm Newt Gingrich or anything!" -Protester

       Last updated:  Sunday, June 19, 2011   22:07 US EST

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