Saturday, July 9, 2011

Weekend, July 9, 2011

Speaker Boehner Leaves Big Debt Deal: Looks to Continually fight Deficit Battle through Smaller Incremental Reduction
Speaker Boehner Leaves Talks to Re-Consider The Last Deal
Proposed Before Republicans Walked Out The First Time

Sociopath Cantor to Personally Profit From a US Default
Slimy Rep. Cantor To Make Gains via
Shorting From a US Default

Rest in Peace Betty Ford: Celebrating a Progressive First Lady
Former First Lady Betty Ford

World News
South Sudan Recognized as Independent Country

Panetta Says: US in Reach of Defeating Al Qaeda

Iran Claims Successful Long Range Missile Tests & Iran Threatens US Carriers if Attacked

Firefight Breaks out Between NATO and Afghan Guards

GOP Primary Race
Bachmann & Frothy Mix Both Sign Anti Gay Pledge - Turns out Also a somewhat Pro Slavery Pledge

General Interest
Federal Court Places Marijuana on Same Level as Heroin

Will Murdoch Be Prosecuted over English Tabloid Scandal?

Too Hot - Why Not Open Up a Fire Hydrant

Civil Rights
Senators ask DOJ to Investigate Illegal State Voter Disenfranchisement Laws

NOM Looking More and More Like Westboro


Adages For The Times
He (William Donahue) brings new meaning to a league of your own. There's No League, It's just him -Michelangelo Signorile

The Republicans get in office, they spend all this money, it's like their drunk- drinks for everyone. Then they get out of office and they are sober again - "Who spent all this money, I don't know, I blacked Out" - Bill Maher

“I’m tired of Republican, Democrat politics; I’m tired of blowhard radio people, blowhard television people, blowhard newspapers,” MacDonald said Tuesday while venting about the political scrutiny surrounding the vote. “They can take the job and shove it. I come from a blue-collar background, I’m trying to do the right thing, and that’s where I’m going with this.” - Rep. Macdonald (NY-R)

Last updated: Sunday, July 10, 2011 10:37 US EST

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